As you enroll in more-and-more learning content, you may find that you want to organize the courses in your My learning section. By utilizing our this feature, you can easily organize your learning in a variety of ways and plan your learning accordingly.
Joined Live Class
Joined LIVE Class it’s the OnLIVE session you have attended, it allow you to give feedback & take your assessment.
For example, if you’re complete a OnLIVE class related to web development, you could create find this learning here, give your feedback & get assessment here.
My Playlist
This allow you to play back your bookmarked OnTheGo Learning Video, learn anytime anywhere you want.
You can create any learning content to your playlist, by following these steps:
- Pick your preferred OnTheGo learning video.
- Click on bookmark
- The content will be assigned to your playlist.
LIVE Class Registration
Now you can easily view and manage your registered OnLIVE classes, providing you with the freedom to learn at your own convenience. With this, you have full control over your schedule, allowing you to access live sessions whenever it suits you best.
We believe in providing a seamless and personalized learning experience, empowering you to make the most of your educational journey. Welcome to a new era of flexible and accessible learning with ReSkills!