
5 Useful Tips To Enhance Your Learning With ReSkills

We at ReSkills know how exciting it is to learn new things. There are so many interesting topics out there to discover, and every new class you attend makes you a better person!

While learning is a lot of fun, it can sometimes be challenging. Some topics are more difficult than others, and may take several rounds of studying to truly understand. Don’t worry, this is all perfectly normal! The harder something is to study, the sweeter the satisfaction you will get once you finally master it.

Here are a few little tips from ReSkills that we hope can help enhance your learning journey. No matter what topic you are tackling, we think they will be beneficial on your path of knowledge. All the best to you!

1. Physically Write Things Down

Yes, we now live in a digital world. Less people actually write with pen and paper now, as typing on laptops and tablets is seen as a more efficient way of storing information. This is a pity, as studies show many people remember something better when they have to write it down. This is  because writing is a complex process which involves the brain and hand muscles: more effort is taken to form letters and words on paper compared to simply striking a keyboard.   

So the next time you have to study, write out what you need to remember. Yes, it will be a bit more tiring, but it may help you retain the knowledge a lot better. You can also augment your writing with mind-maps, diagrams, drawings and other things to help boost the flow of learning absorption.

2. Take Care Of Your Health

Obviously, you will not be able to learn at an optimum level if you are not feeling well. There are a lot of things you can do to put yourself in a good state for learning: always stay hydrated, and make sure you get enough sleep before a major class. Eat a good breakfast , and try foods such as ginkgo biloba or leafy green vegetables that are said to boost brain power.

Also make sure to get enough exercise. When sitting for long periods of time, try to get up and move a bit to improve your body’s blood circulation. These steps may seem small, but do wonders to help you feel good, and in turn learn better.

3. Believe In Yourself

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.  It is important not to feel too down or upset when dealing with difficult study topics. What’s crucial is that you never stop believing that you will succeed, and never give up. Every expert or leader once started as a novice, knowing nothing at all. It was their hard work and perseverance that helped them to succeed, and you can do the same. Don’t forget to ask from help from coaches or others if you really need it!

4. Change Your Habits Sometimes

Once in a while, it might be nice to shift up your studying style, especially if you’re not getting the results you like. Research shows there are three main ways people study: visual (through pictures or images), auditory (through sounds) or kinesthetic (through touch, or doing). If you find yourself struggling with one of these ways, try another one: record yourself reading your text (audio), or put it into practice (kinesthetic). HERE is a guide to how to to use the three styles to your advantage.

Alternatively, if you mostly study by yourself, try group study for a change. Go to a library or café instead of your room. Some people are more active in the morning, while others do better at night. Try something different when you study: who knows, it may lead to positive results! If it doesn’t, at least you’ve tried, and you can go back to your regular habits. A slight change in behaviour stimulates the brain, and refreshes it to perform better.

5. Set Goals

There’s nothing more wonderful than the joy of achievement. This is why it feels good to receive your certificate after completing a ReSkills class: it is a sign that you have successfully done something!

When studying a complex topic, break it up into smaller, more understandable sections. Then, slowly tackle one small section at a time: this is a simpler and more achievable method than tackling the whole subject at one go.

Also give yourself a small reward every time you achieve a goal. This is a great form of motivation, and helps you to stay focused even when times get tough. You can even give different rewards for completing different goals. Enjoy small rewards like a short break or an episode of your favourite TV show for mastering one chapter, and a bigger one like a nice dinner or movie when you finish a class.

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