
The Benefits and Impact of Active Self-Learning for Everyone

In today’s rapidly changing world, self-learning has become essential for personal and professional growth. The inspiring story of a 16-year-old Malaysian girl, who taught herself coding and won the prestigious Apple WWDC SSC (SAYS), highlights the profound benefits of active self-learning. With the rise of online learning platforms, accessing the knowledge needed for self-learning has never been easier. This article explores how self-learning can be advantageous before and after entering the workplace.

Laying a Strong Foundation Before Entering the Workplace

Skill Acquisition and Mastery

Active self-learning allows individuals to acquire and master skills beyond the traditional curriculum. The young Malaysian coder took the initiative to learn programming independently, eventually designing an app and winning the Apple Swift Student Challenge (SSC). This broadened her knowledge and equipped her with highly marketable skills.

Problem-Solving Abilities

Self-learning fosters a problem-solving mindset. Identifying learning goals, finding resources, and applying knowledge to create innovative solutions enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. These skills are essential for any career path and are highly valued by employers.

Confidence and Independence

Learning independently builds confidence and a sense of achievement. It teaches individuals to rely on their abilities to solve problems and achieve goals, fostering independence beneficial in both personal and professional spheres.

Adaptability and Curiosity

Self-learners tend to be more adaptable and curious. They are accustomed to seeking out new information and adapting to new situations, which are vital traits in today’s fast-paced world, where industries are constantly evolving.

Ease of Access to Knowledge

ReSkills Online learning platforms make accessing a wide range of knowledge and skills easier than ever. This platform offers courses from industry experts accredited by the Global Accreditation Association, making high-quality education accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This democratization of education enables more individuals to pursue self-learning.

Continuous Growth and Adaptation After Entering the Workplace

Staying Relevant

The workplace is continually evolving with new tools, technologies, and methodologies. Self-learning helps professionals stay current with industry trends and advancements, ensuring they remain relevant and competitive. The proactive learning habits developed early on, as demonstrated by the young coder, continue to serve well in a professional setting.

Career Advancement

Self-learners are often more proactive in their careers. They seek new learning opportunities and professional development, leading to career advancement. Employers recognize and value employees who take the initiative to learn new skills and improve their performance (Click here to read the full article about Why soft skills are crucial for professional growth).

Innovation and Creativity

A self-taught background fosters a culture of innovation and creativity. Professionals who continuously learn independently are more likely to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions to workplace challenges.

Personal Satisfaction and Lifelong Learning

Continuous self-learning leads to personal satisfaction and fulfilment. It fosters a lifelong learning mindset, which is beneficial for career success and personal growth. The joy of learning and creating something new, as experienced by the young girl when developing her app and winning the Swift Student Challenge, is a rewarding experience that continues to motivate and inspire.

Enhanced Access to Learning Resources

Online learning platforms offer many resources, including video lectures, interactive exercises, and peer support, making learning more engaging and effective. These platforms often provide certificates upon course completion, adding value to one’s professional credentials.

Real-World Applications and Examples

The benefits of active self-learning are evident in various real-world applications. Many tech industry leaders, including self-taught programmers and entrepreneurs, attribute their success to learning independently and continuously adapting to new challenges.

Organizations today encourage a culture of continuous learning. Companies like Google and IBM provide resources and platforms for employees to self-learn, recognizing that a well-informed and skilled workforce is crucial for innovation and competitiveness.


The story of the 16-year-old Malaysian girl who self-taught coding and won the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) Swift Student Challenge is a powerful testament to the impact of self-learning. Whether learning to code or acquiring new skills to stay relevant in the workplace, the benefits of active self-learning are undeniable. It empowers individuals to take control of their education, enhances their problem-solving abilities, builds confidence, and fosters a lifelong learning mindset. As the workplace continues to evolve, the ability to learn independently and adapt to new challenges will remain a key driver of personal and professional success. The ease of access to online learning platforms further supports and enhances this journey, making it possible for everyone to continuously self-improve.

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