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Choosing E-Learning Certificates for Entrepreneurial Success

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In the rapidly evolving digital landscape. E-learning certificates have become a cornerstone for those looking to excel in entrepreneurship. In Singapore, digital learning platforms are embraced. They show the nation’s commitment to innovation and lifelong learning. This commitment has positioned Singapore as a hub for entrepreneurial success. Here, we’ll see […]


马来西亚青年赋能计划是由 ReSkills与马来西亚青年理事会合作引领,旨在促进全面发展,赋能国家青年,打造一个动态而包容的环境,有助于培养30岁以下自信、能干和社会责任感强的领导者,从而积极塑造马来西亚的未来。该项目在马来西亚青年与体育副部长 YB Adam Adli 和马来西亚青年理事会主席 Tuan Mohd Izzat Afifi Abdul Hamid 的支助下正式宣布其变革性项目启动。 该启动仪式得到了尊敬嘉宾的光临,其中包括青年与体育部首席秘书 Dr. Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu,全国青年理事会主任 Tuan Mohd Azhari Mohammad,青年发展司副司长 Dr. Zainah Shariff,以及青年组织登记处登记官 Encik Hasnata Hasan。这将会是青年赋能计划和国家发展征程中的重要里程碑。 “马来西亚青年赋能计划不仅仅是一个项目;它更是国家变革的催化剂,是未来希望的指引,也是培养马来西亚所有未来栋梁潜力的证明。”ReSkills首席激活官李燕燕女士表示。“通过一系列多样化的举措,包括导师计划、技能发展研讨会、社区服务项目和领导力培训课程等,我们极力于提供青年们成功所需的工具、资源和机会。” ReSkills与马来西亚青年理事会携手的马来西亚青年赋能计划彰显了双方共同致力于给予资源和专业知识,以协助全国青年的未来发展。他们携手扩大项目的覆盖范围,以确保每一位马来西亚的年轻人都有机会茁壮成长、从茫茫人海中脱颖而出。 随着马来西亚青年赋能计划踏上了这场变革之旅,我们诚邀马来西亚的每一位青年积极参与这一项项目。“让我们一起抓住这份机遇,克服阻止我们前进的障碍,展现我们国家未来无限的潜力。”马来西亚青年理事会主席 Tuan Mohd Izaat Azizi Abdul Hamidi 呼吁道。 马来西亚青年赋能计划诚邀公众持续关注它们的更新。迈向光明未来的旅程由此开始。

The Superiority of Soft Skills

In the ongoing debate of hard skills vs. soft skills for career success, it’s time to debunk a common misconception. While hard skills are undoubtedly valuable, it’s the soft skills—the often-overlooked, intangible qualities—that truly stand as the bedrock of a thriving career. Research conducted by esteemed institutions such as Harvard […]

The Launch of the Global Reskilling Movement

With the newly formed Global ReSkilling Movement (GRM), anyone can help individuals all around the world empower themselves with education. By supporting this movement, anyone can easily sponsor a person with access to new skills and knowledge, and impact their lives forever. According to GRM Chief Global Initiator Jin Tan, […]

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