
Category Archives: ReSkills Learning Tips

7 Tips For Scoring Your Way to Exam Success

Examinations are a natural part of learning, and an efficient way of assessing how well you have mastered a particular subject. Many people, however, are afraid of them. The truth is, if you are well prepared, exams really aren’t that scary. In fact, with proper study habits and strategies, they […]

6 Ways To Create An Effective Study Group

There is strength in numbers, and this is true even in learning. Studying in a group can be very beneficial, as learners who have difficulty understanding a particular topic can ask their friends for help. Making study plans with others fosters accountability, and commits them to a consistent study schedule. […]

6 Reasons To Start Digitalising Your Business Today

Based on a Webinar by ReSkills Coach Florlynn Dela Pena Can you imagine living without your smart phone? Or without social media? Remember life before online banking, when you had to drive to the bank every time you did a financial transaction? Thank goodness those days are over, right? Today, […]

5 Useful Tips To Beating Your Public Speaking Fears

Speaking is a natural action that usually comes easy to most people. While many folks can happily jabber away with friends for hours, when it comes to speaking in front of an audience, they suddenly freeze up. Public speaking is something everyone has to do at some point. You might […]

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