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When local education technology company ReSkills EdTech was first launched in January 2021, it aimed to provide accessible and affordable education for adult learners worldwide. After achieving an encouraging level of success in that mission, the company is now ready to expand into a new phase, ReSkills 2.0. Its mission […]

ReSkills signs Memorandum of Understanding with JCI Malaysia

For many years, the Junior Chamber International Malaysia and ReSkills Global have been on very familiar terms, with both groups friendly and supportive of each other. Last week, their bond was strengthened to a new level, as representatives from both groups signed a Memorandum of Understanding, signifying an educational collaboration […]

5 Common Mistakes Users Make When Trying To Learn New Skills

Learning something new is always very exciting. It seems like there is so much knowledge around you, and so many ways for you to absorb it. New and inexperienced students, however, sometimes make mistakes which negatively affect their learning journey. This is natural and all part of the education process: […]

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