What Is This OnFerence About?

‘Procrastinators into Pro-Task-inators’ is a dynamic online conference designed to help you conquer procrastination and boost your productivity. In just 2 hours, our two expert speakers will guide you through practical techniques and strategies to overcome procrastination while allowing you to excel in your work.

28 October 2023

2PM – 4PM GMT+8

ReSkills Platform/Zoom

28 October 2023

2PM – 4PM GMT+8

ReSkills Platform / Zoom

Sharing Topics In The OnFerence

Transition Strategies From Procrastinators to Proactives

Session Description:
Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks, often to the detriment of one’s productivity, well-being, and goals. Several factors contribute to why people procrastinate.
Helping procrastinators become more proactive and develop better task initiation habits can be a challenging but worthwhile endeavor. Remember that helping someone transition from procrastination to proactivity is a gradual process.
Encourage them to experiment with these strategies and adapt them to their unique situation and personality. Regular check-ins and support can go a long way in reinforcing these changes. 
Join Coach Suba on her strategies to encourage the transition from procrastination to being a proactive task initiator

Overcoming procrastination for a healthy & happy life

Session Description:
In this session, you will learn learn about – how procrastination hampers personal development, productivity improvement, increases stress, and affects our overall well-being. The class will allow you to identify which type of procrastinator you are and your causes for procrastination. 
Procrastination is a common human behaviour, and understanding it can help individuals develop self-awareness and self-improvement. By recognizing your procrastination tendencies, you can work on strategies to overcome them and become more productive.
Join the session and learn the tips to avoid procrastinating and techniques to become pro-task-inators. Enroll in my class today and learning about procrastination can  positively impact various aspects of your life, from academics and careers to relationships and decision-making.

Liberate Your Inner
Pro-Task-Inators Within 2 Hour

Liberate Your Inner
Pro-Task-Inators Within 2 Hour

Meet Our Speakers

Are you ready to transform procrastination into action and accomplish your goals? We’ve lined up two experts in this field as our upcoming ReSkills OnFerence speakers. This is the time to turn your dreams into reality as their insights will ignite your motivation and supercharge your productivity. 



Speaker for

Transition Strategies From Procrastinators to Proactives


Pratima Jaidev

Speaker for

Overcoming procrastination for a healthy & happy life

Meet Our Speakers

Are you ready to transform procrastination into action and accomplish your goals? We’ve lined up two experts in this field as our upcoming ReSkills OnFerence speakers. This is the time to turn your dreams into reality as their insights will ignite your motivation and supercharge your productivity. 


Speaker for

Transition Strategies From Procrastinators to Proactives

Pratima Jaidev

Speaker for

Overcoming procrastination for a healthy & happy life

Why You Should Join This OnFerence

1. Comprehensive Understanding:

These sessions collectively cover a wide range of topics related to procrastination, including its psychology, causes, types, and effective strategies for overcoming it. This comprehensive approach will give you a well-rounded understanding of procrastination and equip you with the tools to address it in various situations and with different people.

2. Self-Improvement:

Procrastination is a common challenge that many people face. By attending these sessions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your own procrastination tendencies and learn practical techniques to shift from procrastination to proactive task initiation. This self-improvement can have a significant positive impact on your personal and professional life.

3. Helping Others:

The skills you’ll develop to support and encourage others in overcoming procrastination can be invaluable in both personal and professional relationships. Whether you’re a manager looking to improve team productivity or a friend or family member helping someone close to you, these sessions will empower you to be a supportive and effective ally in the battle against procrastination.

4. Diverse Audience:

These sessions are likely to attract a diverse audience, including individuals from various backgrounds, professions, and age groups. Engaging with such a diverse group can provide you with different perspectives and approaches to tackling procrastination. This can lead to a richer learning experience and enable you to apply the knowledge in a variety of contexts.

Who Should Join This OnFerence



Small Business Owner

Individuals Seeking For Growth

This conference provides practical strategies to combat procrastination, develop strong study habits, and meet deadlines with ease. By attending, you can expect to boost your academic performance and reduce stress associated with time management.

This conference offers professionals guidance on conquering procrastination and enhancing their work effectiveness. Attendees will learn how to meet deadlines consistently, tackle complex projects with confidence, and achieve their career goals more efficiently.

Small you face a unique set of challenges in managing your ventures, from overseeing operations to handling finances or more, time can be a limited resource. Attending this conference equips you with tools and insights to streamline your processes, delegate tasks efficiently, and improve your overall productivity.

If you are on your journey of self-improvement, this conference offers a roadmap to overcoming procrastination and becoming a more effective individual. You can expect to gain insights into setting and achieving personal goals, enhancing time management skills, and taking control of your lives.

Who Should Join This OnFerence


This conference provides practical strategies to combat procrastination, develop strong study habits, and meet deadlines with ease. By attending, you can expect to boost your academic performance and reduce stress associated with time management.


This conference offers professionals guidance on conquering procrastination and enhancing their work effectiveness. Attendees will learn how to meet deadlines consistently, tackle complex projects with confidence, and achieve their career goals more efficiently.

Small Business Owner

Small you face a unique set of challenges in managing your ventures, from overseeing operations to handling finances or more, time can be a limited resource. Attending this conference equips you with tools and insights to streamline your processes, delegate tasks efficiently, and improve your overall productivity.

Individuals Seeking For Growth

If you are on your journey of self-improvement, this conference offers a roadmap to overcoming procrastination and becoming a more effective individual. You can expect to gain insights into setting and achieving personal goals, enhancing time management skills, and taking control of your lives.

Agenda Dropdown

1:50 PM – 2:00 PM
Participant Welcoming

2:00 PM – 2:10 PM
Opening & First Speaker Introduction

2:10 PM – 2:50 PM
Session 1: Transition Strategies From Procrastinators to Proactives

2:50 PM – 3:00 PM
Q&A Session with Ms Subashiny

3:00 PM – 3:05 PM
Second Speaker Introduction

3:05 PM – 3:45 PM
Session 2: Overcoming procrastination for a healthy & happy life

3:45 PM – 3:55 PM
Q&A Session with Ms. Pratima Jaidev

3:55 PM – 4:00 PM

Book My Slot Now

28Oct2023 - OnFerence Registration