ReSkills is giving out 3️⃣0️⃣ days of complimentary access for you!

Join our ReSkills Learning Program 1.0 campaign to unlock your access and upgrade your career today! 

Get 30 Days of Complimentary Learning  by following the steps below:

How to join?

Step 1:
Like @reskillsedtech on Facebook

Step 2:
Follow @reskills_global on Instagram

Step 3:
Share this campaign post to your Facebook profile, and set the audience
to “Public”

Step 4:
Fill in the required information and upload the screenshots of the 3 steps
above to our Google form

Google form

Like & Follow

Share this post (Public)

New to ReSkills?

Register a ReSkills account to claim your reward!
*current user can skip this step*


Campaign ends in:


Terms & Conditions

1. Each user is only eligible to claim one reward per ReSkills account throughout this campaign.
2. Only users who have supplied their complete details to ReSkills and have successfully completed the stated tasks will be eligible to claim rewards.
3. Users who correctly send in their details and successfully qualify for the reward will have their ReSkills subscription automatically extended by 30 days within 48 hours of their Google Form submission.
4. Any social media account (Facebook & Instagram) must only be listed in ONE user entry and cannot be repeated on any other entries. Any entries using the same or repeated social media accounts will be disqualified.